Posts: fine art
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Miscellaneous Links
This page contains various and sundry links to international origami societies and other origami resources on the web. See here for links relating specifically to mathematical and scientific origami. Please let me know if you find any broken links. Origami Societies These are the largest international origami societies. The linked pages also have links to […]
Continue ReadingMonumental Origami
“Redpath Pteranodon,” a 4-meter (16′) wingspan origami Pteranodon installed at the Redpath Museum, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Paper custom made by Papeterie St.-Armand, Montreal, Canada. The term “Monumental” in “Monumental Origami” refers to size: this is large-scale origami, intended to make a visual impact from a distance. The uses of monumental origami are several: it […]
Continue ReadingCrease Patterns as Art
If one takes the narrowest possible dictionary definition of the term, a “crease pattern,” or CP, is nothing more than a set of lines that is a representation of some subset of folds in an origami shape, real or imagined. But it can be, is, more; the deeper question is, what does a crease pattern […]
Continue ReadingSanta Monica Bronze Sculptures
In 1999, I was commissioned by Brailsford Studio (San Diego, California) to create four works as part of the public art component of the Downtown Transit Mall project commissioned by the City of Santa Monica and the Big Blue Bus. I developed original origami designs for four animals representative of the habitats in and around […]
Continue ReadingOrigami Suppliers
The Origami Source Everyone’s first stop for origami supplies should be The Origami Source, OrigamiUSA’s own one-stop shop for books, paper, and related origami supplies. The Source carries books and paper from around the world, offers a unique file download store selling books and magazines in PDF form, and has friendly and great customer service. […]
Continue ReadingFlight of Folds and Shoot of Stars
Incredible photograph by Bill Stengel of our 10′ Flight of Folds sculpture in stainless steel (collaboration with Kevin Box); currently at the Turquoise Trail Sculpture Garden in Cerrillos, NM.
Continue ReadingA Subject that Sucks
…blood, that is. In April, 2012, I was approached by the New Yorker magazine to create an origami mosquito as an illustration for an upcoming article. They knew me in part because I’ve done some origami illustration work for Wired magazine, which is part of Conde Nast, the parent company of them both. (Possibly a […]
Continue ReadingGhost Deer
I haven’t posted in quite a while, mostly because I’ve been bodaciously busy traveling on assorted origami business. The latest (and current) trip was to set up my exhibition at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, TX. We set everything up Thursday, then came back Friday morning for some finishing touches. I’d folded […]
Continue ReadingPaper
I am often asked what kind of paper to use for origami. There is no single answer; it depends on what you’re folding. On this page, I’ll talk a little bit about the most common types of paper for origami and my own experiences with them. Traditional Papers Found Paper One of the things that […]
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