Author(s) Michael R. Morgan, Robert J. Lang, Spencer P. Magleby, and Larry L. Howell
Several methods have been developed to accommodate for the use of thick materials in origami models which preserve either the model's full range of motion or its kinematics. The offset panel technique (OPT) preserves both the range of motion and the kinematics while allowing for a great deal of flexibility in design. This work explores new possibilities for origami-based product applications presented by the OPT. Examples are included to illustrate fundamental capabilities that can be realized with thick materials such as accommodation of various materials in a design and manipulation of panel geometry resulting in an increased stiffness and strength. These capabilities demonstrate the potential of techniques such as the OPT to further inspire origami-based solutions to engineering problems.
Morgan, M. R., Lang, R. J., Magleby, S. P., and Howell, L. L.: Towards developing product applications of thick origami using the offset panel technique, Mech. Sci., 7, 69-77, doi:10.5194/ms-7-69-2016, 2016.