This page contains various and sundry links to web pages that combine origami with mathematical or scientific applications. See here for links related to computational origami (software for origami design and analysis). See here for additional links not specifically related to mathematical and scientific origami. Please let me know if you find any broken links or if there are any pages you think I’ve overlooked.
Origami Mathematics
- Tom Hull’s Origami Math
Includes the most extensive bibliography of origami mathematics that I know of. - Trisecting an angle with Origami
An article on Science News’s “MathTrek” online column about origami trisection. -
David Eppstein’s Geometry Junkyard
Eppstein’s collection of numerous interesting links about math contains this section of origami-related links. - The Business Card Menger Sponge Project
Describes a project to build an order-3 approximation of a fractal object using 66,408 folded business cards. - Dave Mitchell’s Origami Heaven
Contains an extensive collection of information about modular origami (origami made from many identical units). - Jim Plank’s Origami Modular Page
More modulars, including directions. - Factorigami
A Spanish-language book about finding proportions by folding and related mathematics.
Origami Technology
- Zhong You
Zhong You is a professor at Oxford University who specializes in deployable structures and has incorporated origami into several types of device, including heart stents and automotive crash-absorbing structures. - Paul Haeberli
A tutorial by Paul Haeberli on pleated structures. - Dr. David Huffman
The late Dr. David Huffman (of Huffman coding fame) was one of the pioneers of mathematical origami. This page shows some of his work. - Simon Guest
Simon Guest’s explorations of foldable structures.